Tuesday, July 20, 2010

List, Rep Overviews and a Controversial

Hey Mister/Misses

Been a while, but anyway....

Have been working on my 750 Southern Slaughter list. Its been Refined...

Rune Priest

2x 10 Grey Hunters w/ Melta, Plasma, MotW and Wolf Standard
One squad in a rhino

2x 6 long fangs w/5 Heavy Bolters and 5/ Missiles

I played this Against Jacob, from Exemplar Mundane (http://exemplarmundane.blogspot.com/) and pulled out a win after 1 grey hunter squad dealt with a dread and then neutered his Ven Dread, leaving it to the long fangs.

I then played Travis and his Chaos, and first turn, Mrs Rune Priest Jawsed his Lord and his Raptor with a melta and icon, completely crippling his army.

Also, im using an alternate fig for my preist, a female and as such am using a squad of sisters to represent Hunters, so the whole squad is Female. Am i pushing things??

Anyway, Thanks for showing and for any C&C

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